About Us:

We are a group of people who have placed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. This salvation was required because, in common with everybody else, we are guilty sinners in the sight of God (Rom 3.23) and can do nothing of ourselves to merit God’s favour. Jesus Christ, however, the Eternal Son of the Eternal God, became a Man and gave His life on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for our sin. It is through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that we have been saved (Acts 16.31) and brought into fellowship with God. 

We do not belong to any ‘organisation’ or ‘denomination’. We believe that each local church, or assembly, is a fully independent body accountable to God. There are like-minded churches in the area and throughout the country and worldwide but each is fully independent, shepherded by a group of elders who are responsible to God alone for this activity.

What do we believe:

We believe in:
The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible (66 books)
The inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible
The Bible as our absolute standard – authoritative and sufficient in all matters of faith and doctrine (Sola scriptura)

We believe:
There is one God, who exists as three co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial divine persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
God is sovereign and self-existent, and is perfectly omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable, holy, righteous and loving.

We believe in:
The eternal preexistence of Christ
The eternal sonship of Christ
The virgin conception of Christ in Mary, “flesh of her flesh”
Hypostatic union – that Christ has two natures, being both fully God and fully man
The sinless impeccability of Christ. He did not sin; could not sin; nor could He be tempted by sin.

We believe:
In the creation of the world and human beings in 6 days by supernatural acts of God
That God created male and female in His own image
That human beings are composed of body, soul and spirit
That male and female human beings are equal in nature, essence and being, but differ – by divine design – in role, function and office in the family, society and the church

We believe that:
Humanity is universally condemned as a result of its rebellion and sin in Eden
All men and women are sinners by nature (original sin) and by practice (individual sins)

We believe:
Christ’s atoning death and bodily resurrection are the basis of salvation
Christ died for all people, without exception and without distinction
The new birth is required for sinners to be made right with God
Sinners, to be saved, must repent and believe the gospel
Justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone (not by works)
A truly justified person can never be lost, being predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s Son
Baptism is by immersion in water as a public declaration of personal faith, but contributes nothing to salvation
Believers are not under Mosaic law either for justification or for sanctification, but under grace, and Christ is their rule of life
In the priesthood of all believers
The covenants of Scripture are God’s programme of recovery of all that was lost in Eden’s fall (Noahic, Abrahamic, Davidic, New. The Old Covenant was temporary)

We believe:
The Holy Spirit is a real person, not a mere ‘influence’ or power
He seals, indwells, fills and anoints believers immediately upon conversion
All believers have been baptised in the Spirit (no “second blessing” is required)
The Holy Spirit operates in our world in conviction, conversion, sanctification and empowerment for service
Each believer has one or more spiritual gifts; but all the revelatory and all the sign gifts – including prophecy, tongues and ‘miraculous healing’ – ceased with the passing of the apostles by the close of the first century AD

We believe:
There are two aspects of ‘the Church’ – firstly the ‘body of Christ’ composed of all believers from the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) to the return of Christ, of which Christ alone is the head. Secondly ‘local assemblies’ composed of baptised believers who have been received into fellowship
Local assemblies are led by a plurality of elders, locally raised up by the Holy Spirit.
Each assembly is autonomous and responsible to the risen Lord alone, not to an earthly HQ. “Gathering in the Lord’s name” precludes any denominational affiliation. Christ is the local assembly’s Lord, elders are its guides and the Word of God is its absolute standard.

We believe:
That God’s ultimate goal in history – which will be fulfilled in the Millennial kingdom age –  is to place the whole universe under His Son in manhood, with the Church in union with Him as His body
The Bible’s history is dispensational (Israel and the church are to be distinguished)
In the premillennial, pretribulational return of Christ
In two resurrections, and in separate judgments for the saved and the lost (i.e. no general judgment and no general resurrection)
In eternal bliss in heaven for the believer and eternal damnation in the lake of fire for the unbeliever

"For where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them" - Matthew 18:20